Barbaras Poems
Eagles Fly
Find IT
The Lake came alive
Aesop's Fables
Drops of Love
Midnight Ride Of Paul Revere
Yea Right!
Drinks and Desserts
Liquid Water
It's a Thrill!



America The Beautiful O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain! America!America!
God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brother hood
From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stern,impassioned stress A thorough for freedom beat
Across the wilderness! America!America!
God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heros proved
In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life! America!America!
May God thy gold refine Till all success be nobleness
And every gain devine! O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears! America!America!
God shed His gracwe on thee And crown thy good with brother hood
From sea to shining sea!
                      KATHARINE LEE BATES (1859-1929)


On my honor
I will do my best
To do my duty to
God and my Country,
and to obey the scout law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake and morally straight.


                                                                                                             THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In fourteen hundred ninety-two,Columbus
sailed the ocean blue,And found this land,Land of the Free,beloved by you,
beloved by me,And in the year sixteen and seven,Good Captain Smith,
thought he'd reached Heaven,And then he founded Jamestown City,alas tis gone,oh,what a pity
`Twas in September sixteen nine,with ship,Half Moon,
a real Dutch sign.That Henry Hudson,found the stream                      the Hudson River,of our dream,In sixteen twenty,
pilgrims saw our landthat had no unjust law,Their children here,
in this dayproud citizens of,the U.S.A.
In sixteen hudred eighty three,good William Penn,stood `neath a tree.
And swore that unto,his lifes end he,would be the Indian's friend.
In seventeeen hundred and sixty-five,good Paul Revere was then alive;
He rode like wild,throughout the night,and called the,
minute men to fight.Year seventeen hundred seventy-six,
July the fourth,this date please fix.Within your minds,
my children dearfor that was independence year,
In that same year,on a bitter night,at Trenton,
was an awful fight,but by our brave George Washington, the battle was atat last well won.Two other dates,
in your mind fix-Franklin Born in seventeen six
And Washington first said "Boo-Hoo", in seven-teen hundred thirty two.In seventeen hundred seventy- nine,
Paul Jones,who was a captain fine,Gained our first naval victory,
fighting on the big wide sea,And in the year eight-teen and four,
Lewis and Clark,both went beforeAnd blazed for us,
the Oregan Trailwhere men go now,with ease by rail.
In eighteen hundred and thirteen,on Great Lake Erie,could be seen,
Our Perry fight the Union Jack,and drive it ,from our shores far back
In eighteen hundred and sixty one,an awful war was then begun
Between the brothers of our land,who now together firmly stand,
In eighteen hundred sisty three,each slave was told,
that he is freeBy Lincoln,with whom few compare,
in being kind,and just and fairIn eighteen hundred eighty one,
at Panama there was begunBy goodDe Lesseps,
wise and greatthe big canal,now our ships gate.
At San Juan,eighteen ninety eight,our brave Rough Riders,
lay in wait.And on the land,brought Victorywhile
Dewey won it on the Sea,
In nineteen hundred and fifteen,was shown a panaromic screen,
At San Fransisco's wondrous fair;all people were invited there,
But cruel war,Brin the same year,kept strangers from
our land of cheer,And nineteen seventeen brought,
here the war,that feared our heartswith fear,
Thank God in nineteen eighteen, Peace on Earth,again was seen
And we are prayingshe"ll stay forever,in our U.S.A.
